Eugene W. Salisbury Magistrate of the Year Award
To: All Sitting Justices
It is Summer and time to look ahead to the Annual Magistrates Conference, which is in Niagara Falls, NY. One of the
highlights of the annual gathering is the presentations of the Magistrate of the Year award. This award recognizes a
judge for contributions to the judiciary, as well as for contributions to his/her community.
We are certain that each of you has knowledge of an individual who deserves to be considered for this award.
Who among you has contributed to the improvement and overall effectiveness of the judiciary? Who has
shown that contributing to the betterment of the community is what justice is all about? Who has gained your
association’s respect because of outstanding contributions?
Please consider and nominate a person that deserves this recognition. Keep in mind that this award depends
on the participation of both County Associations across the state and individuals like you.
When considering your nomination(s), please use the guidelines which are found below.
Hon. James Hughes and Hon. Paul Peter, Co-Chairs of The Magistrate of the Year Committee
As a person:
Does his or her private life display honesty, trustworthiness and behavior that benefits a member of the judiciary? Does the nominee command respect from others and show confidence in their actions and thoughts? Has the nominee avoided legal and ethical infractions and improprieties? Is he or she considered to be a good solid citizen by the members of his or her community?
As a justice:
Has the nominee’s public and judicial conduct been free from even the appearance of impropriety? Does he or she exhibit sound temperament, attentiveness, patience and impartiality in his or her conduct on the bench? Has the nominee been studious in his or her knowledge of the principles of the law and diligent in endeavoring to ascertain the facts? Has the nominee remained free from partisan demands and have his or her actions been free of consideration of personal popularity or public notoriety? Has the nominee consistently abstained from any judicial act in which his or her personal interests are, or even appear, to be involved? Has his or her tenure on the bench been long enough to show that they command the respect of their community electorate? Has the nominee enhanced the integrity of his or her community through their actions within their local judicial system?
As a member of the judicial community:
…Does the nominee command the respect of his or her peers as a justice? …Has the nominee shown an interest in improving the quality of our local court system by membership and active participation in county and state magistrate associations?
…Beyond his or her active membership in various associations, what examples are there that this person has made an effort to enhance the integrity, effectiveness and prestige of our Town and Village Courts? …Has the nominee been involved or instrumental in initiating legislation focused at improving the court system and its effectiveness in serving the public?
…What effort has the nominee made to defend our local court system to others outside the judicial community?
…Has the nominee asserted sound and constructive leadership in county and state associations? …Has his or her contact with the public at large resulted in any position and constructive actions toward improving our Town and Village courts? Please remember, your association’s participation is the single most important element in assisting us in selecting the Magistrate of the Year.
Please submit your nominations to:
Magistrate of the Year Committee
New York Magistrates Association
163 Delaware Ave. Suite 108 • Delmar, NY 12054
Nominees for the 2024 Magistrate of the Year Award must be submitted no later than August 2, 2024