New York State Magistrates Association

Click here for the 2024 Scholarship Application

The Annual Conference of the New York State Magistrates Association provides access to excellent training as well as  opportunity to interact with Justices from across New York State.  NYSMA wants to encourage this access to interactive training with other Justices. For this reason, NYSMA is offering scholarship packages to attend the Annual Fall Conference of this Association


Interested applicants must be a town or village justice of a court within New York State and financially unable to attend the Annual Conference by virtue of the lack of municipal funding. Only one applicant per Court may apply.  The applicant must be a member in good standing of this Association. Although preference will be given to first-time attendees, all are encouraged to apply.


The application should be completed and signed by the applicant, along with all required attachments**, and forwarded to the Scholarship Committee for review. Only complete applications will be considered.  The successful applicant(s) will be notified by the Scholarship Committee prior to the Annual Fall Conference.


Each scholarship award will cover the cost of lodging and meals for one person to attend the conference up to $500 and require the recipient to attend the Annual Business Meeting and apply for OCA’s reimbursement of one night lodging and some mileage. The Scholarship Committee reserves the right to disregard any incomplete applications without prior notice to the applicant. The decision of the Scholarship Committee and the NYSMA Board of Directors will be considered final and will not be subject to any review or appeal process. In keeping with the mission of our organization, we offer this scholarship to further the education of town and village justices throughout the State of New York.